Bread can consume volumes when looked studied. Originally, say 10,000 years ago, grain crops mashed with water and fried on hot rocks to form the first flat breads. Later, the Egyptians cultivated yeasts to make the dough rise and provided a lighter fluffed product. The Romans introduced the world to bread when their soldiers were paid with it. In the 1600's, poor people ate whole wheat breads while the nobility preferred white bread. Today, alas, bread has other chemical additives which move it further away from its humble beginnings.
Let's clear up some of the myths about bread which exist today. In our faced paced commercialized world, what we are told by unscrupulous marketers is not always the reality of what you are purchasing.
Myth #1 Rye bread is a 100% whole grain high fiber bread.
Actually: You can tell what is 100% whole grain by reading the first ingredient listed on the package. When I looked at my local super market, what I found on most all Rye bread was that the first ingredient listed was unbleached enriched flour. The second and third ingredients listed were water and rye flour. A further look on the nutrients label showed a slice of rye bread had only 1 gram of fiber. So don't be fooled by what you are told.
Myth #2 Just because it is brown and has the term wheat in the title, it must be whole grain high in fiber.
Actually: Again while at my local super market, I inspected the labeling of so called whole wheat breads. If that ever important first ingredient is white flour, you've been had. If you are expecting to buy whole wheat bread, than look for the package to be labeled 100% whole wheat and double check to see that that is the first ingredient.
Myth #3 Bread is void of calories.
Actually: It depends on what bread you buy. 100% whole wheat bread is high in bran fiber and vitamins and is considered heart healthy.
Myth #4 Bread makes you fat.
Actually: Read the nutrition label. In 2003, The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis published a report of a study of over 1500 women show that women who consumed 100% whole wheat bread weighed less than women who consumed white bread.
Myth #5 Gluten is bad for you.
Actually: This is partially true. People with wheat allergies or who suffer from celiac disease are restricted from eating gluten. It may not be bad for the rest of us, but it has no real nutritional value either.
Myth #6 Aw heck you see where this is going, don't you? I have heard candy bars are better on a diet because the candy bar ranks higher than bread on the glycemic index or it can raise blood pressure, cause inflammation or increase the risk of stroke. Just stay with 100% whole wheat flour when baking and none of these myths are true.